Distribution Partner Discovery Form

Please select where your company is located:

Please select which category below best describes your company:

Which Hawkeye product line(s) are you interested in?

If interested in Duratec products, please indicate the typical application(s) or market(s) you service:

Distribution is most successful when partners serve strategic geographic areas and/or service different markets. Are you aware of other Hawkeye distribution partners selling our product line in your geographic area? (Type in response)

There are two key requirements when purchasing with Hawkeye. 1) 20 gallon order minimums 2) Exworks freight terms. Is your company prepared to operate under these stipulations?

Most Duratec and Styrosafe products offer a warranted six-month (180 day) shelf life from date of manufacturing. Aqua Buff products offer a warranted a one-year shelf life. While we do our best to send the freshest batches possible, our distribution contract only guarantees 50% shelf life. Based on that information, and our order minimum, do you feel comfortable being able to move inventory without running into shelf life issues?